mercredi 22 avril 2020

The Creation of the World

Our first subject will be about the creation of the world. Just like every religion in the world, the Greek one tries to explain how the world came to be. Let’s explore the fascinating story behind the creation of the world :

First of all, Greeks named the void “the Chaos” and he is undefinable because isn’t a divinity, a human or an object. The Chaos created six entities:
-Eros represent the love
-Erebe is the darkness (obscurity in the depths on the earth)
-Nyx is the night
-Gaia serve as Earth
-Hemera is the light terrestrial
-Tartarus represent the center of the Earth. Later Tartar will represent the hell because this is a place very obscure.

These entities will create a multitude of divinities. The union between Nyx and Erebe will conceive three gods:
-Thanatos, who is the death
-Hypnos is the god of sleepiness
-Ether is the light of stars
Gaia and Tartar will come together to create gods:
-Echidna, this is a divinity scornful with wife head with sneak body. She is exclude to the others divinities because of his appearance
-Typhoon is the other harmful divinity like her sister Echidna. Typhoon is like his name suggests, he creates typhoon. They are married and they give birth to horrible creatures.
At the beginning of creation we saw that Earth, Gaia gave many births to deities. Among them is Uranus, who represents the sky. Thereafter these two entities will unite and mate to produce other gods. So of this union we will find twelve Titans including six Titanides, three Cyclops and three Hecatoncheires. To give them a brief description, the Hecatoncheires are creatures with a hundred arms and fifty heads.
Moreover this robustness somewhat frightens Uranus, their father. He fears their strength and therefore imprisons them in the depths of Tartarus, who I remind you alludes to the underworld, the deepest darkness. Upset and taken by the sadness of not seeing her children, Gaia does not accept her husband’s attitude. It does not tolerate the Hecatoncheires being locked up in Tartarus without a highly valid reason. She entrusts this high mission to her youngest son Cronus. Then, Gaia and his son Uranus (he represent the sky) will come together to do the Titans, they are cornerstones of the mythology Greek. Gaia and Uranus created six titans and titanides:
-Oceanus is the ocean
-Coeus considerate like “the one who thinks”
-Crius is “the leader”
-Cronus is the king of Titans
-Hyperion (he have three children: Helios, Selene, Eos)
-Iapetus (Prometheus, Epimethius and Atlas are his children)

The titanides:
-Mnemosyne, goddess of the memory. She have like children nine Muses with Zeus
-Phoebe represent the light and she is the intelligence. Will come together with Coios and she have Leto and Asteria with he
-Rhea is the wife of Cronos
-Theia is “the queen”, wife of Hyperion and mother of Helios, Selene, Eos
-Themis is “the justice”
-Tethys, marine fecundity and she’s married to his brother Okeanos

( Author : Aaaaa )

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