mercredi 22 avril 2020

Greek monsters : Dragons

In Greek mythology, dragons are unique creatures, guardians of divine treasures, and they haven't, unlike Western dragons, wings and fire breath, they’re also more serpentine like than the other classical European dragons.

-Lernaean Hydra:
A monstrous snake with 7 or 9 heads, living in the swamps of the lake of the same name. The Hydra is capable of poisoning the surrounding nature with its foul breath, polluting the water and air around it. But even more incredible is its ability to regenerate its heads, making it almost invincible. It was Heracles, during these 12 works, who had the idea of burning the stumps to cauterize the wounds, then buried the golden master head, immortal even when cut.

A serpent with a thousand heads, each speaking a different language. Heracles killed him to recover the golden apples from the garden of the Hesperides. Hera, the goddess who sent him here, placed him as the constellation of the dragon in the sky.
Another legend said that Heracles knew this beast was too dangerous, so he sent the world-bearing titan Atlas to do the dirty work.

A giant snake that protected an oracle at Delphi. Apollo killed him and seized his oracle. However, to avoid Gaia's anger, he created the Pythian games in honor of the serpent.

-The Colchian Dragon:
This is the snake guardian of the golden fleece that Jason must catch. He has several tongues, a shell crest and eyes that are always open. Since he never sleeps, Medea put him to sleep using a drug thrown in his eyes.

-The Theban Dragon:
This gigantic snake guards the fountain of Ares, god of war.
Cadmos killed him with a rock, then sowed the monster's teeth to give birth to the first inhabitants of the city of Thebes, the Spartans, whom he had to weaken before hiring them as masons.

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