mercredi 22 avril 2020

Men and Gods

Men and Gods

The Greek gods were revered during ancient Greece. There were 12 major gods and many minor gods. The Ancient Greek Men feared the gods because some of them were not benevolent and they were reputed to be all susceptible. This is why Men have developed practices to satisfy the gods, to be benevolent. That Zeus does not bring a storm, that Poseidon does not unleash the oceans on the ships, that Demeter allows a good harvest, that Ares is on their side during the wars... Each god has its own function and therefore its own ritual and its own servants.

Monumental buildings were built for the gods and mainly the 12 great ones. The Parthenon at Athena is a good example of this, but there are many others, three of which are classified as wonders of the world: 
  • The chryselephant statue of Zeus in Olympia composed of gold and ivory and measuring 13 m
  • The temple of Artemis 137m long for 71m wide
  • The colossus of Rhodes with its more than 30m high represented Helios god of the sun

Most of the time in each city there were several temples and each temple was built to honor a god. The richer the city was, the more temples there were. Each temple had its servants, who were in charge of watching over and serving the god they served. These temples were built on the highest points of the cities so that they would be noticed and closer to the gods who inhabit Mount Olympus above the clouds.

The Greeks also believed greatly in the oracle. Apollo the god of light, music and also the god of prophecies, and for the Greeks prophecies were indispensable.In Delphi there is a temple and in it a young virgin woman chosen by the priests of Apollo serves as an intermediary between gods and men. All the Men had to purify themselves in a sacred fountain before consulting the oracle, after having asked their question the young woman went into a trance (probably due to fumes escaping from a fault above which she was sitting).

To satisfy the gods men also used to make offerings, They were diverse, Animal sacrifice, fruit, wine poured… Some religious feasts (Olympic Games) brought together all the Greeks and were moments of peace and brotherhood.

The Greeks thought that the gods were at the origin of all that surrounded them and of all the events of daily life. Some religious demonstrations brought together all the Greeks which played a role of peace for the Greek world. The Olympic Games were thus religious games in honor of Zeus. The athletes ran barefoot thus awakening the vital forces of the Earth. They received only symbolic gifts as a reward for their victories (laurel crowns...), the main objective was honor for its city. In Athens the religious feasts were particularly numerous; only the war could suspend them or reduce their brilliance. They grew, along with religious sentiments, national pride. They were spread out almost every month of the year; some months, like October, were overloaded. They included competitions that were either athletic, musical or dramatic.

The main religious feasts were the following (note that the Athenian year begins in July):
  • in July: The Panathenaeus, National Day of the Protector of the City, Athena
  • in September: the honor of Demeter and his daughter, Kore
  • in October: Festival of sowing, in honor of Apollo / Thesmophories, reserved exclusively for women, in honor of Demeter / the Chalkeia Crafts Festival in honor of Athena Ergane and Hephaestus
  • December: the rural Dionysians, popular celebrations, more or less unbridled, in honor of  Dionysos
  • in February: the Anthesteries, festival of wine, in honor of Dionysos
  • in April: the Plynteries, Athena’s bath party.

At the Anthesteria, the jars where the wine is preserved since the last harvest are opened; there is a competition of drinkers who will drink the wine contained in a jar as quickly as possible
The Panathenaeus: they take place every year but are celebrated with more solemnity every four years, they lasted six to nine days, they included gymnastic contests where the victors received oil from the sacred olive trees of Athena, enclosed in amphorae.

The Greeks named their capital Athens after the goddess Athena, goddess of war strategy and wisdom.


Quote the 3 wonders of the world linked to the Greek gods?

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