mercredi 22 avril 2020

Greek monsters : Giants


The world of Greek mythology is filled with creatures more vile than the other, and we’ll take a look at some of them. For our fist category, the giants :

These creatures are, as their name suggests, gigantic. Their birth dates back before the existence of the Olympian gods; and most were born from Ouranos, the Sky, and Gaia, the Earth.

-Titans and Titanides:
The 1st generation of Ouranos and Gaïa's children. Cronos, the Titan leader, cut Ouranos' penis to free his brothers and sisters. Then, after having freed the Cyclops and the Hecatoncheires from Tartarus, all of them waged war against their father. But the vile Titan then betrayed the cyclops and the Hecatoncheires, and sent them back to the Tartarus.
After an epic fight, called "Titanomachy"; were they confronted the betrayed weird-eyed giants, the Olympian gods and some others beings, some titans were locked in this hellish place.
Other Titans, being neutral or having helped the gods, were rewarded by the gods.

Humanoids beings with 100 arms and 50 heads. They were precious allies of the Olympians during the Titanomachy: in fact, enraged that the Titan Cronos betrayed them once Ouranos was defeated, they joined the camp of Olympians and cyclops to lock up the Titans traitors in Tartarus. Today, they are the guardians of this sinister place, seeing everything down here.

Gigantic characters with a single eye, also locked in Tartarus by Cronos, like their brothers with 100 arms. Cyclops are very good at forging legendary weapons, in fact they are the one behind the weapons of the Olympians during the Titanomachy, like the lightning of Zeus!
Their children will work as blacksmiths, builders; and less honorably, pastors who eat humans and sheep.

-Giants :
They are the only ones born not from the union of Gaia and Ouranos, but from the latter's blood after Cronos cut his penis.
These monsters, sent by Gaia, faced the Olympian gods and their allies after the Titanomachy, and were massacred despite their strength and resistance greater than that of the gods, during the Gigantomachy. Ruse is the key to defeat the one stronger than you !
As depicted by the picture, they sometimes have snake tail legs.

A giant made entirely of bronze. It is not known if he is the last survivor of the Bronze race (a race of Bronze Age men); or an automaton created by Hephaestus.
He protects the island of Crete and its king Minos.
This immense colossus threw rocks at the boats or scalded the intruders by pressing them on his bronze body heated by the sun.
His only weakness is his heel, which has a nail blocking his unique vein.
Medea enchanted his mind to drive him mad. In his frenzy, he tore off the nail on a rock and emptied himself of his ichor, the divine equivalent of blood, which each god possesses.
Hephaestus is known to build several automatons, most of them being inoffensive dogs, servants or even silly tripods, serving the meal at Olympus ! 

A hideous creature who watched cyclops and Hecatoncheires under the orders of Cronos.
She appears as a winged woman with bat wings, fish scales and snake hair; the bottom is also made of many vipers, its neck is decorated with many heads of ferocious beasts (wild boars, lions, dogs ...), it has sharp claws. Finally, a monstrous scorpion roams its body freely.
Zeus killed her when he delivered the cyclops and the Hecatoncheires

A giant with three torsos attached to his pelvis. It is therefore a triple threat for herd thieves! Heracles confronted him after killing his two-headed dog, Orthos. Despite the giant’s 3 helmets, 3 spears and 3 shields, an arrow poisoned with Hydra’s venom struck him down.

The ultimate threat from the Olympian gods. Its origin would be due to the union of Gaia and Tartarus.
This destructive monster represented as a donkey (yes) with bat wings, fingers and legs made of snakes and eyes filled with lava is a destructive, violent and beastly deity.
He is also the father of many deadly creatures, which he had by uniting with Echidna.
Typhoon grew in one day, until it reached the sky; the gods then fled to hide from him. Zeus, armed with the sickle used to cut the penis of Ouranos, tried to defeat the beast, but he lost; was then locked up in a cave without his tendons, under the supervision of Delphyny, an half woman half snake creature.
Hermes put the woman to sleep and stitched up the god, who then recovered his lightning.
The Moirais, meanwhile, deceived Typhon by offering him fruits supposed to make him stronger but, in reality, to make him weaker.
Zeus finished the monster and buried it under Etna, a volcano still active today.

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