mercredi 22 avril 2020

Greek monsters : Femmes fatales

In both senses of the word. For one part of them, "femme fatale" is to be taken as an expression: the charm of men is paramount for what they are.
And for 100% of them, this term is to be taken literally!

A monster with the bust of a woman, but the pelvis and tail of a snake. She is known to attract men by its charms in its cave to devour them. But she is even more known for the monstrous descent she had with Typhon:
Cerberus, Orthos, the Theban Sphinx, the Teumessian fox, the Lernaean Hydra, the Chimera, Ladon, the Nemean lion, the Colchian dragon and finally the Caucasian eagle.

-Sirens :
These magnificent bird women have the particularity of attracting sailors by the beauty of their face and voice. The charmed sailors steer their boats towards the sharp reefs covered with human bones, remains of the previous victims of these deceptive monsters.
Nota bene, the Sirens of Greek mythology are very different from mermaids, since the latter have a human bust with a fish tail; while these sirens only have the head of a woman, the rest being avian.
The sirens were defeated twice:
By Ulysses, under the guidance of Circe, covered the ears of his companions and attached himself to the mast of the ship to hear every bit of their song; and Orpheus, covering their song with his mastery of the lyre.

-Charybdis and Scylla:
These two monsters live in the Strait of Messina, near Italy. Scylla is a half-dog, half-snake creature that always has 6 long heads emerging from its cave; who devour the unfortunate sailors who venture into the strait.
Charybdis is even more dangerous: We do not know its true appearance, but it manifests itself as a giant maelstrom swallowing and vomiting 3 times a day the water above it. Ulysses was right to prefer to go through Scylla which cost him only 6 men, instead of his entire fleet.

A sort of demon serving Hecate, a hellish deity, emerging from the underworld to seduce young men to suck their blood. It is said to have a donkey leg and a bronze leg, and transform into a fiery spirit to reach her prey.

The mind of a mad woman who devoured her own children. It’s actually a Greek equivalent of the Boogeyman. Its existence is vague because it is confused with Lamia and Empusa.

One of the many lovers of Zeus, who was forced to eat her own children by the jealous Hera. Her madness due to her monstrous act transformed her into a horrible monster, with paws of a lion and a goat, a body full of scales and eyes unable to close. Afterwards, she eats other children so that other women share her suffering. Zeus, to appease her, gave her the power to remove her eyes to rest from the horrors she witnessed.
Some myths give her the lower body of a snake, and made her drink the blood of the young men she seduces, like the Empusa. Sometimes, mythology is not crystal clear unfortunately...

-The Gorgons:
Three sisters cursed by the gods, Euryale, Stheno and Medusa (the only one mortal.) They are represented like women with hair of snakes, sometimes with a snake tail, a fat tongue as well as tusks of a wild boar. Medusa and her sisters have the frightening power of petrifying their terrified victims by simply looking at them. Medusa was defeated by Perseus, seeing her indirectly thanks to his bronze shield. Her head was attached to the Aegis, the shield of Athena, and still serves as a formidable weapon.

-The Harpies:
Resembling the sirens previously mentioned, by their female heads and avion (here, vultur)) bodies, they are however ugly, stinky (the stench of a corps) and aggressive. These messengers from the Underworld catch souls and children; and punish those cursed by the gods by defecating and stealing their food.

-The Theban Sphinx :
It has a lion body, a woman's head, sometimes an eagle's wings and a snake's tail. She kept the path leading to Thebes and tackled the travelers on the ground, then posed her famous riddle :
What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening? »
She devoured those who did not answer the riddle correctly.
Only Oedipus succeeds :
The answer was the man :
As a toddler, walking on all four; as a mature man, walking normally; and as an old man, walking with a cane.
This filled the Sphinx with spite, so she committed suicide.
It’s said that there is another version of the riddle :
"There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in turn, gives birth to the first. Who are the two sisters?"
The answer ? Day and night.


-The Centaurs:
A group of men have slipped into this female only category !
They are a
race of creatures with human bust grafted directly on the neck of a horse.
In fact, the horse form is the most common, called "Hippocentaure". There are also centaurs with bull, donkey, or fish bodies. Aside from their physical peculiarity, they are rather rough,
mastering the use of bows and clubs; drunkards, their drunkenness leading them to fight violently against those who irritated them, and also women lovers, to the point of trying to rape them.

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